Thank you again for investing in Explaindio.
Before you access the member area and start using the software we have one final special offer we want you to really take advantage of.
It is premium transitions.
In addition to intro and video content, the third critical factor for the viewer engagement, drop off rate reduction and conversion is fluidity of video progress.
Without smooth transitions throughout, the video experience feels jagged and may throw the viewer of the track.
Transitions allow you to seamlessly connect separate parts of your video to make it not only look more professional, but to avoid hard interruption of the user’s experience.
Depending on video content you need different types of transitions to achieve seamless video flow.
The premium transitions, you can get on this page, give you all the different types of transitions that you need in order to support wide range of video content.
You get transitions such as light patterns, dark pattern, geometric, animations, intermediate image animation, intermediate video blend, and much more.
So make sure your viewers have the best possible uninterrupted experience and add transition pack to your order.
We look forward to seeing your amazingly fluid videos.